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Circlio Projects

Circlio focuses on solving challenging issues facing off-road vehicle operators.   Voice navigation has become very common on our mobile phones and in our houses to provide a more natural interface with technology, but voice recognition has not adapted to support off-road applications. Our voice recognition system is designed to use in the harsh environment and trained to provide support for off-road applications.  Users will be able to more naturally interface with the complexities of their automated equipment. Our teleoperations platform will allow highly-skilled operators safely drive off-road machines remotely. 

Voice for
Off-Road Vehicles

Off-road vehicles are becoming more complex for operators with many different settings, menus, and displaces. Our patent pending voice recognition system will allow drivers to interact with their vehicles using voice commands and data entry.

Teleoperation Platform for
Off-Road Vehicles

Skilled labor needed for off-road operations, such as agriculture and construction, is becoming more difficult to find. Our platform will enable highly-skilled operators to control off-road vehicles safely from operation centers located around the globe.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.

Circlio, Inc.

15169 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 205 

Scottsdale, AZ, 85254

+1 (602) 767 1507

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